Slim Fast Diet - Is it a SCAM?

WARNING: If You're Thinking About Spending A Lot Of Money On The Slim Fast Diet, Then This May Be The Most Important Page You'll Ever Read!

I know what you are worried about. You're asking yourself, should you try the Slim Fast diet plan? You've heard about the expensive Slim Fast shakes and so you're wondering, "Where can I find information about this shake diet?". You want honest Slim Fast reviews, so you can make the right decision for yourself. I've been there, so I understand, and I sympathize.

It is very expensive to do the Slim Fast diet. And it goes beyond the constant expense of buying all those high-priced diet shakes. But the problems don't stop with the high cost. There's also the many medical experts who attack this diet for being unhealthy! Combining these two accusations - that it's very expensive and very unhealthy - results in most of the reasons former Slim Fast users recommend NOT trying this diet.

I want to be honest with you and admit to these two dangers of the Slim Fast diet plan, right up front. However, the good news is that there is a way to avoid these hazards, while still being able to lose weight as fast as Slim Fast shakes and bars. I'll talk about how you can avoid these two dangers later on, but first there's something important you must know...

You're just like me. Those ugly pounds of fat, worry you constantly. And just like you, I kept putting on more of them, every year. It got really bad after I turned 30. And just like you, I began to hate what I saw when I looked in the mirror!

Sit down and think about this... How much better would you feel if you could burn away that ugly fat. 10 lbs, 25 lbs, maybe even 100 lbs. See in your mind, what you would look like with all that ugly fat - gone!

Picture the reaction of your family, your friends - when they see how attractive you will be without all that extra weight. Let me tell you, it feels much better to get lots of compliments - than all those looks of disgust you're getting now.

Plus, think seriously about how greatly this would improve your health. Believe me, I know how you feel. It's exactly what my sister and I felt like, before we took action and did something about it!

So does SF work?

And if so, how much will it cost you??

Slim Fast Reviews

The core of the Slim Fast shake diet approach, limits you to consuming their pre-made "shakes" or "bars". And of course, that means you constantly have to buy these "foods" from them - at Slim Fast prices.

It is obvious that Profit, is their main objective in offering these pre-made "meals" to you. Slim Fast reviews often confirm this fact and furthermore, they state that you must continue to use these pre-made items at all times - even if you go on vacation or leave the country!

If you follow just their bottom-level plan, it will cost you at least $100 per month. Most shake diet reviews however, report spending as much as double that!

This adds up to between $1200 and $2500 for your first year alone!

To be honest, we did drop some fat. But when we did the calculation, we found it cost us about $30-$40 per pound. This was the primary cause of my sister and I ditching the Slim Fast diet program, within a few months. After spending so much money for relatively little results, we figured there must be a better, cheaper way, to dump fat!

Happily, we found a much cheaper way to get results. I'll tell you about that, but first there's more you should learn about Slim Fast... continue reading...

Slim Fast Part 2

Slim Fast - Other Issues

Some other things we "discovered" while on Slim Fast:

(Note: This is the second part of a 2-part article. You should read Part 1 first, which you can see here: Shake Diet)

* You'll often see Slim Fast products referred to as "Overpriced Sugar-Milk", because the top 3 ingredients listed on the can are: milk, sugar, fructose. This is why Health Experts attack the shakes and bars as "over-processed and overflowing with artificial ingredients". They say you would be better off drinking low-fat milk. (And that would be much cheaper!)

* You are frequently hungry while on the diet. Actually, "hungry" doesn't say it right. "Starving" is more like it! Health Experts say this is because the calories you're allowed per day is set much too low. Plus, all that sugar in their shakes and bars, mean that your blood sugar levels shoot up and then crash. This makes your feelings of starvation, even worse!

* On top of that, there's the frequently-reported "chalky" taste. I've even read reviews where the dieter says they "gagged" on the terrible aftertaste. I can recall feeling depressed and deprived, restricted to Slim Fast while eating with a group of people... watching as they enjoyed while I suffered!

Then there is the Final Problem - the one that makes all your suffering on the Slim Fast diet, not worth it after all:

* Because the diet is based on replacing healthy meals with artificial pre-made substitutes, it encourages you to maintain bad eating habits. Even though it may work in the near-term, once you reach your bodyfat goal and return to "normal" eating, the fat comes back rapidly. Many who used this diet plan said that after it was all over, they had MORE bodyfat than they did to begin with!

The Secret Way To Get Slim Fast - Without The High Cost

So does Slim Fast work? Yes, it seems so - if you have no time for a healthy diet - BUT...

If you don't need to have most of your meals in a can or bar, then you can SAVE lots of money and at the same time, lose weight in a much HEALTHIER fashion.

The key is to retain what works in Slim Fast, yet remove the high expense and unhealthy aspects they force on you.

You want to avoid the unhealthy, high-cost, pre-made Slim Fast rations.

You want to avoid the feelings of starvation, from being forced to eat too little.

You want to avoid "gagging" on the chalky taste of the food you are allowed to eat.

You want to avoid the rebounding weight gain, that happens after you complete the Slim Fast plan.

Listed below are the key features you want in an eating plan, that will reward you with successful fat burning:

* A nutritional program that is healthy and safe.
* One that allows you to eat real food - not artificial shakes, bars, or worst of all, pills.
* One that provides you with easy-to-follow meal plans.
* Most importantly, a program you can get online and start right now!

Yes, there is a way for you to gain all the above advantages... and at much less cost than the overpriced Slim Fast.

And it can help you drop 10, 25, or even 50-100 pounds! And do it faster than Slim Fast because you don't have to starve... continue reading...